Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This may sound incredibly selfish, but I feel incredibly lonely and even more stressed.

I'm lonely because I haven't talked to hardly anyone the past 2 weeks unless I texted them or it was a random mass text. Granted, I have been extremely sick but its often nice to get a "get well soon" text or call.

I'm extremely stressed mainly about my heath, here is how my week has gone.

Monday of last week: Pass out, yet again, from another pesky migraine.
Tuesday: Make a doctors appointment to discuss pesky migraines.Get 3 shots.
Wednesday: Wake up with blood on my pillow, feeling horrible I go get blood tested.
Thursday: My bloodwork came back crazy and I feel worse, Straight to the E.R.
While in the E.R.: More blood taken, I get an I.V., 2 more shots, one i'm allergic to and start convulsing, vommiting, and twitching for more than 4 hours all the while being ignored by the overly busy nurses and doctors. Diagnosis:"nothing, take some ibuprofen"
Friday: Come home feeling even worse from lack of sleep.
Saturday:Worse, can't get out of bed.
Sunday: Slightly better, visit Kate, come home and vomit.
Monday: Back to the doctors, another IV more shots, more blood tests, huge tonsils
Tuesday: Diagnosis: possible Mono? possible something else? Tonsils swollen shut.
Wednesday: Back to the doctors, more shots, another IV.

Basicallyyy I have a swollen spleen, kidney, and liver, and incredibly infected tonsils, can't eat, cant sleep, and am on like 7 different medications.

I'm also freaking out about my classes, I really can't get dropped, and not one of my teachers have replied to my e-mails.

ugh, i just feel crappy all around and I'm so tired of watching movies all alone, especially since I have seen all the movies in my collection. :[. i'm not asking for a pityparty or anything i just dont want to feel so all alone and i want to know if anyone even cares. ugh. i just want to feel better already.